Tuesday 11 November 2014

Responsive - Sprung: Screen Printing

I've begun to screen print my business cards. I screen printed the black logos last week so that they would be dry and I could screen print the silver on the top this week. There were 36 business cards on each A2 sheet, I printed 6 A2 sheets so now have 216 business cards. After I have cut and glued these I want to screen print some more since I have my screens for two weeks. The printing itself doesn't actually take that long and I only want to do the process of exposing screens this once. Creating another 216 more also allows for some to make mistakes where paint may get through the mesh. Below are some photos from the screen printing.

I think the silver and black works well together. The colour has come out stronger than I thought, it is opaque and easy to read so that is better than I thought it would be. 

The back of the cards has come out well also. The only thing I am unsure of is the stock GSM I don't know if the black card is thick enough but hopefully when glued to the white it will make it more sturdy. If not I will redo it on a thicker black card.

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