Sunday 2 November 2014

Reponsive - Sprung: Inspiration and Design Research

After first speaking to Caio I got the impression of a very clean cut geometric style for his logo. He doesn't have anything that he wants to convey in the logo which is both a benefit and a disadvantage. A benefit because it allows me complete freedom but at the same time no restrictions make it harder to settle on an idea and concept.

After he sent me some designs he likes I began to research further into the idea picking out different elements of the designs that I like.

I really liked the simplicity of the album and at the same time the complexity of the shapes.

The circles really add another layer to this design increasing the brightness as they go in.

The opacity overlapping creates this very simple but nice pattern.

The combination of simple shapes creates a bauhaus design.

Starting with a simple cross and layering with colours has created a piece of intriguing design.

I didn't so much like the design but the use of CMYK in the design.

I really liked the 3D element in this design, it almost feels like its coming out of the screen.

I think the idea of overlapping paper to create the shapes works really well. this is definitely something I will experiment with.


Seeing as Ciao mentioned Bauhaus it seems silly not to research into some of the designs to come out of it. I really like the simplicity of all the designs. The overlapping of shapes and images, and experimentation with opacity and the positioning of text has really created some nice pieces of work.

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