I knew I wanted to experiment with watercolours. I felt it would be a good way of showing an explosion and mix of colour - relevant to portraying a mix of fruit used in the juice. I firstly began to just mess around with water colours on the paper. I selected the two I thought would work best and began to work with the top one.
The first thing I did was adjust the levels and vibrance so that the colours would be brighter. I placed my refined J20 logo over the top so I could see how it would work with the colours.
I experimented with having the colours at different angles to see how much text I could fit in as well as which way it fitted best.
Once I was happy I inverted the logo and made it white. This suddenly brought the design to life making it feel lighter as well as bringing the background colours to life.
I removed the trail of paint going out of the painting on the right as it lead the eye away from the logo.
I adjusted the colour balance so that the orange became a stronger orange and the purple mixed better becoming more of a pinky passion fruit colour.
I then added a smart blur to blend the colours, the two images above show how the texture of the paper has been removed.
I began to play around with how a label composition would look but found side by side it looked too much like a business card. However I like the contrast in fonts having Futura and Fanwood, the sanserif makes it easy to read and the serif compliments whilst bringing in a more mature audience as serifs aren't used often in the packaging of children's drinks.
having the type below means it is a lot easier to read and the eye naturally reads the correct type hierarchy. One thing that is specified in the brief is that it needs to use the green that is linked with J20. From this design it was hard to get the green colour in and looking right.
I tried just adding a stripe either side of the logo as well as changing the type to green however this doesn't look as neat and the green doesn't really have any justification for being there apart from it has to be.
Having the type as all orange didn't look right. It didn't create a barrier between the image/logo and the information.
Having the title in green looks better than before but still doesn't look great.
I really like the fresh feel of the logo but it is a struggle to fit everything else around it. I will experiment more of a digitalised style as it may make the product feel more mature, the paint could give the impression of children's artwork.
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