Monday 24 November 2014

Responsive - J20: Designing the 4 Pack Packaging (Back)

I wasn't too sure what to put on the back of the J20 packaging as the Brief Pack didn't specify so I took some photos of the current design and have just copied the information.

I decided to stick with Futura for the back as well but use capitals as lower case doesn't have as much impact. I played around with the layout of the text to see how i could fit it in one column close together but whilst still being legible and read in the correct typographical order.

I found that this was the best way to layout the information. I'm still not overly happy with it as I think the type sizes are too similar and don't distinguish a hierarchy but I will play around with it.

I really struggled to get the swirl to fit in and at the same time look good whilst keeping the same style as the front of the box.

I found adding brighter colours and a tonal range to the swirls helped bring it to life. I experimented with a 3rd swirl but found it over complicated the back. The text still feels to heavy, I think I will re design it now knowing what space I have to work within. 

It looks very cramped and heavy in one spot which would be okay apart from the heavy amount of empty space around the rest of the box design. 

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