Thursday 20 November 2014

Workshop - Preparing Artwork for Print: Illustrator

Normally work in CMYK for print.
Commercial Print includes 3 types of printing:
1. Offset Lithography 
2. Digital Print
3. Screen Print

CMYK is Subtractive colour, ink on paper. Not completely opaque so you get results by mixing colours. Often refereed to as a process colour.

RGB is additive colour which is mixtures of light via a monitor or projector.

We need to think of colour as ink.

Process Colour
A Process Colour is printed using a combination of the four process inks; cyan, magenta, yellow and key. By default, illustrator creates new swatches as process colours.

Global Colours
Using tints is useful if you are limited to the amount of colours you can use. It is the same CMYK code but a percentage of it whilst still being 100% opacity. The white triangle in the bottom right shows it is a global colour.

A global colour is automatically updated thoughout your artwork wen you edit it. All spot colours are global however, process colours can be either global or local. You can identify global colour swatches by the global colour icon (when the panel is in list view) or a triangle in the lower corner (when the panel is in thumbnail view).

Spot Colours
You may use spot colours because you could print everything with 3 spot colours. They create a more accurate colour match,  Spot colours have a dot in the white triangle. 

A Spot colour is an ink that is used instead of, or in addition to, CMYK process inks. You can identify spot colour swatches by the spot colour icon (when the panel is in list view) or a dot in the lower corner (when the panel i in the thumbnail view)

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