Monday 3 November 2014

Responsive - Sprung: Feedback

I sent Caio my designs so far and he had the same opinion as me that the triangle ones were best but he wanted to get rid of the smaller triangle in the middle. I agree and think it looks better without it, it was necessary at the beginning when I was designing with paper but now it is stripped back it looks neater and clean without it. 

Now that the logo is designed and agreed on I want to begin to branch out and look at creating business cards, stamps, stickers and everything else. I want to look at screen printing business cards using silver for the type and black for the logo. It would ideally like to have the logo stamped on above the silver type to make it less neat and more grimy to reflect the music genre. However I feel that this would be too time consuming for business cards as I would have to screen print the silver and then stamp each logo neatly above it. 

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