Thursday 27 November 2014

Responsive - J20: Label Modifications

I decided to make some minor changes to my labels before printing. Firstly I noticed that my package design had the orange and passion fruit the other way around with the orange at the front. I decided that this looked better with the composition of the shapes and changed the neck label to match. Another change I have made is the font - from Fanwood to Aleo. Aleo as a slab serif complimented Futura better. The point size was also increased so that it the description was legible because of this I moved all the information up in the circle so that it could all fit in and not look squished. The colours of the orange and passion fruit were made more vibrant which suits the swirls on the 4 pack, this also changed the strokes around the circle to add continuity. I added a gradient so that it would reflect the package design and reinforce the blend of fruit.



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