Saturday 15 November 2014

Responsive - J20: 4 Pack Packaging

One thing I wanted to put across in the packaging was the blend of flavours. I experimented with showing the two different flavours intwined like below but after I created it in apple and mango I realised I had just created a twister lolly so it perhaps wasn't the best design.

I then moved on to more of a free design where the waves of juice came out of the fruit. This is a lot better and more representative of the product. However I changed the colour from a pink to more of a purple as it connoted the passion fruit better.

I tried to add the nutritional information on the bottom however it has just over crowded the box design so I will find room for it elsewhere. So far I think the designs of both the bottle labels and the packaging are tying in together to form a strong packaging concept which is appropriate for an older audience. However there are still some elements which will need tweaking.

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