Thursday 13 November 2014

Responsive: S.M.A.R.T

Specific  - Details exactly what needs to be done.

Measurable - Achievements can be measured in terms of units or specific success criteria.

Achievable - That resources, scope and scale are within your capabilities and capacity.

Realistic - The objectives are possible to attain which is important for your motivation.

Time Bound - The period of time, target dates, schedule or time table is clearly defined.

My Current Responsive Briefs:

Sprung Records
- Finish cutting out business cards
- Look into how to make a stamp
- Create Phone Poster
- Blog about making Business cards
- T-shirts?
- Finish Poster

- Scan in water colours
- Experiment with acrylics
- Research Competitors
- Research Watercolour in advertising

- Look at other designs
- Research theory into mood
- Blue China - Tells a Story

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