Friday 14 November 2014

Responsive - Feathr: Previous Submitted Designs

I decided that before I begin to design my own wallpaper I would look into already submitted designs to generate ideas and get an idea of what people are doing.  Below are some examples and what the artist says about them.

Camilla Boler says:
This design is created from illustrations of ginseng, which is a very powerful root plant believed to halt the signs of ageing and bring about general wellbeing. It is widely used in Chinese medicine and is said to have powerful properties. The root itself if a rather ugly piece and I wanted to try and work the illustration studies to alter the look of the root, turning it into something beautiful.

@al_wrath says:
We all like to climb trees. Imagine you could draw a tree and climb anywhere you want. You could climb forever, just like this wallpaper is created to repeat forever.

Toufic says:
An idea that your place is the place to be, so much so that everyone wishes they were a fly on your wall.

Beth Hudson says:
I wanted to bring a fresh approach to a historic style, and add a contemporary twist to floral ornament that would appeal to a younger market.

One thing that I've picked up from the designs is that it works better if they have story or message behind them.

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