Monday, 17 November 2014

Responsive - Sprung: Redesigning The Poster

In the end it turned out that they weren't going to add any more people to the line up so it needed to be edited to fit. The old layout was very much on the left side with the pattern down the right. This worked well for more information but seeing as there wasn't going to be as much I started to redesign it but keeping the same theme. I first removed the triangles and centred all the text. I decided to break up the bottom right box of information about the date, times, location and cost and spread it across the bottom in 3 columns. This filled out the page more as well as making key information like the date more obvious as it'll be one of the first things people look for after the line up.


After showing Caio it was decided that we would change the title to fit with his other poster which he is currently using on Facebook and other social media to advertise the event. This then brings in the continuity with previous advertising so that everyone is familiar with the records branding. I had to rejig the triangles so that they fitted in better with the type layout.

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