Monday, 20 October 2014

Responsive: Research into Similar Products on the Market

BBTradesales Indoor Allotment Gift Set


This product is an indoor allotment set, where you grow your own herbs. The price seems quite expensive to me but I am really not sure since I don't buy things like this. The allotment set is all handmade and painted which I think is a really nice touch. It promotes the idea of bringing the outside in which really sells to people without gardens allowing them to grow their own herbs without having to have a garden. I'm not overly keen on the green they have used on the packaging it doesn't feel natural and the font doesn't, in my opinion, reflect the hand made product. The information feels very blocked in which is the opposite of what they want. It shouldn't feel contained as it is a plant - its growing! The packaging should reflect this.

Herb Garden Seed Kit Gift Box - 6 Different Herbs to Grow


This packaging feels a lot better, nothing is contained and the colour choices are simple whilst reflecting the product. The choice of Helvetica light is neat, clean and crisp. The layout seems simple which reflects how easy the product is to use. However the box packaging that it comes in doesn't seem overly inventive or creative. The company offer a nice range of things to grow and all the designs work together, they just aren't very eye catching.

Radis Et Capucine Organic Cherry Tomato in Colourful Red Zinc Bucket


I really like this product. It is simple but is effective. The tin bucket not only looks good but provides protection during transportation. The full grown plant looks great once grown in the bucket. The only thing I don't particularly like is the design for the packaging around the tin. I think it looks quite dated and it isn't overly exciting or fun. It doesn't make you want the product.

Taylor's Ceramic Windowsill Herb Kit - Beige


This is more what I was expecting when it came to the packaging, having three pots showing through the box. Its a good way of showing it but still looks really dated. I think it could definitely be improved.

Looking at other products on the market the design seems to be aimed at an older audience, Most of the designs seem quite dated and not up to date. I definitely think there is a market to rejuvenate it and bring it to a younger audience, perhaps young professionals who don't have a garden but are keen to grow their own herbs/veg.

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