Wednesday, 1 October 2014

My Design Process - Study Task 02: (Folding Styles) Paper Folding

Today we began to look more in depth about different types of folding and how it would work with the project. This was useful because it got me thinking about how the way it is folded could reflect my design process.

Leaflet Experiment One:

Initially I began with the idea I was thinking about yesterday, partly so that I could see if it would work and also because it felt like a good starting point to progress from. First I cut the paper down to a good width and then measured along every 7.5cm. This would then form each fold. The centre piece would be 15cm across allowing for both concertinas to fold into it. Below you can get a rough idea of how the leaflet would form with a simple diagram on the front but extending into a much larger, complex process.

I believe this idea would work well for this brief because there is enough surface space to fit the text on as well as it having a strong concept; the design process seeming straightforward at first but actually having a lot more to it. This is definitely a strong contender for my final piece but seeing as its only my second idea I have decided to leave it for now and experiment with other forms of folding.

Leaflet Experiment Two:

I then began to play around with an L shape out of squares. It is quite a simple fold but could reflect how the design process should be kept simple by remembering and sticking to key areas such as getting feedback or constant experimentation.

This was the final product. I folded the final square in half to produce this triangle which adds an extra layer and makes it slightly less boring.

Once unfolded this was the surface area you have left to work with. There is a good amount of space and a lot you could do with it, however I feel it is just too simple for this brief. It doesn't help to show the design process and doesn't really have a valid link. This is not to say that it won't be useful in future projects, I will perhaps use it in a more minimalistic project where it would be better suited.

Leaflet Experiment Three:

This idea was a simple concertina which had the corners cut off by a smaller amount each time so that the layers showed behind. I really like the idea of working with layers because I feel my design process isn't so much of a straight line but rather a multitude of layers which all affect one another. However this leaflet design is not great; it has no visual excitement and I feel it is sloppy and doesn't work well. I will experiment more with the concept of layers in folding to try and visually show my design process.


I found todays session really useful as it has got me thinking about being more creative with the folds. It has really highlighted that the leaflet says just as much about the design process as the design process itself. I will look into more folding possibilities and then begin to think carefully about which stock would best reflect my design process. However before I begin doing any experimenting I will define my design process and see how it could relate to folds.

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