Wednesday, 22 October 2014

"A Brief History of...": Canon's of Page Construction

Canon = systems methods or approaches to a particular practice in relation to graphic design. It refers to ways of organising type and image on the page.

The Golden Ratio otherwise known as the De Divina Proportione. It refers to the ratio between two quantities which is a to b = 1:1.618. It is seen as harmonious because of how easily it can be repeated.

The golden section of 100cm:
100cm / 1.618 = 61.80cm
100cm = 61.80 + 38.20
the ration of 61.80 to 38.20 is 1:1.618


100cm x 1.618 = 161.80
the ratio of 100cm to 161.80cm is 1:1.618

This also works with Type as well as the page. 55pt heading would be complimented by a 34pt body.


A  vertically drawn line of 12cm means the rectangles width is 12cm x 1.618. This equals 19.416.

19.416 % 1.618 = the first golden square (12cm) because the difference (7.4cm) forms the next rectangle.

Dividing the long length of the rectangle by 1.618 divides it equally.

7.4cm % 1.618 = 4.57cm

4.5cm % 1.618 = 2.7cm

Experimenting with this concept you can create a grid which would work for the website. Allowing for title and search bars etc.. They all fit into the grid.

Fibonacci sequence is just the mathematical side where as the golden ratio is to do with the repetition and in design.

Van De Graaf Canon

Scholar of book design. He discovered that the margins and text area are determined by the page dimensions and spread dimensions. It is mostly done for double page spreads
unlike the golden ratio which is normally one spread.

Raul Rosarivo adapted the Canon and also divides the page into 9ths.

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