Monday, 13 October 2014

Logostarter - Study Task 04: Branding Considerations

The brand identity of a company is crucial to a companies success. People's association with a company changes how others view it. For example coca-cola is seen as refreshing and energetic and has come to be one of the most well known, sustainable brands. The identity of KonneKt would have to portray fun and excitement as well as the element of development and creativity. The target audience of children would have to view it this way for the brand to successfully take off. At the same time the parents would have to view the educational aspects such as development, teamwork and critical thinking. If either group doesn't view it in this way then the product would not work. For example if the children didn't see it as fun and exciting they would not play with it, but at the same time if the parents can't see some benefit to it then they would not buy it for their child. The Branding is crucial to the product selling. Even though both children and parents would view and more importantly value the company and product for different reasons the brand would still be the same; a reliable and innovative children's toy.

One thing that I would consider in greater depth is where the products would be sold, the packaging would need to fit in with the other children's toys but at the same time stand out from the rest of them. Before designing my logo I looked into different children's logos to try and get a grasp on what patterns ran in the design since it was a very closed audience. Most children's designs work in bright colours and a friendly hand rendered type. I discovered this to be true so wanted my logo and design to be in bright, but different colours. This way the brand would suit the product of children's toys.

There is an obvious limitation to the product and that is that it is played using a window. This would be okay if the child was to play by themselves but in the case of the magnets and two player games it has its flaws. One person would have to be on the other side of the glass which either means sending your child outside or perhaps leaving them in the house alone. The branding of the product would be stronger if it advertised its actual purpose of hospital games, this would bring out the compassionate side of the audience. They could also show how their children at home could create something on the inside of the window. This would form a stronger concept of making the most of a small amount of space.

However although the window could be seen as a branding limitation it could also be seen as branding advantage if a simple spin was put on it. If KonneKt was to expand as a shelf bought product then I would want to change its purpose from "turning a barrier into a shared playground" into "creating a playground with minimal space" (not in those such words) but the idea would be for children that don't have masses of room to play in, for example small high rise flats in a busy city. This would allow the children to be able to play vertically instead of horizontally - creating more room for imagination.

I would begin to look into what form of advertising is most appropriate. T.V adverts which would advertise the product would reach a wide range of people and be in a medium which most of the target audience would have access to. Most children and parents watch TV and therefore would be exposed to products during adverts. Advertising on certain channels like Nickelodeon and CBBC would make the children aware of the game and pester the parents about getting it.

Another huge selling factor would be how the product would end up selling itself. For example you walk past a house with all the pieces stuck on a window or a child playing with it, you don't know what it is but it stands out because its different. The curiosity and unique innovation would sell itself.

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