Wednesday 15 October 2014

"A Brief History Of...": Terminology and Trends


Hyper Text Markup Language

The standard language used in the creation
of web pages.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

The basis for the transfer of data across the
World Wide Web.

Uniform Resource Locator

Also known as a web address and used to
reference web pages.

Cascading Style Sheet

A stylesheet markup language used for formatting.


The decline of Skeuomorphism
Having design features which would be necessary in a real object but not digitally i.e fake punch holes on the screen to show paper.

The rise of flat design
Simplified block colour e.g windows phones.

Single page website
A continuous scroll down, all the information on one page instead of separate ones.

Responsive design
Design that is responsive to the device it is being used on. The website works across a broad range of devices.

Type based websites
A website which is predominately type.

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