Monday, 20 October 2014

Responsive: Chosen Live Brief

I decided that it would be a good idea to pick a live brief about packaging since this is one of the main areas in graphic design which interests me. The Brief below is to design packaging to a grow your own culinary herb kit. The brief has a lot of leeway when it comes to the design. They also want a mocked up version which seems like a good challenge.


It has become very fashionable in the UK to grow your own culinary herbs for use in home
cooking. Celebrity chefs have promoted the ease to grow herbs indoors even in the smallest of city homes. Fresh herbs beauty, aroma and taste benefits are sure to inspire cooking creativity.

The design challenge is to create a carton board kit that contains everything you need to
grow culinary herbs in your home. The pack should hold packs of seeds, pots, compost
and growing instructions. Consider how the outer pack can be reused, how the plants are
grown and then displayed and used once grown. Maximize the use of carton board in the
pack, could the growing pots be made from carton board?

points to consider 

The pack must have strong shelf presence; consider the target user and how to attract
them with the construction and graphics of the pack. Could the culinary herb type be
related to a particular world cuisine? How will the consumers interact with the pack during
its life? The pack must also have good usability and the ability to be recycled or reused at
the end of its life.
criteria for success 
The panel of judges will mark the brief taking
into consideration:
- Answers the brief
- The concept
- Model:
One good quality mock up to withstand
transport and handling
- Development boards:
3 x A3 boards showing concise and clear
presentation of ideas from your initial
ideas through to the final concept
The following will also be taken into account if
relevant to the brief:
- Consumer Convenience:
Opening, closing, handling
- Innovation:
Recognition of good ideas. Creative use
of material
- Consumer market:
Relevance to target audience and
predicted uses
- Display:
Shelf impact, shape, format and graphics
to give good shelf presence.

materials to use

Use predominantly carton board and other
materials required to create an innovative
pack. Free carton board material can be
obtained by contacting Nikki Clark.

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