As far as the design of my website goes I was really stuck on what to look at or what kind of style to design it in. The crit has been really useful and has given me many paths to research before beginning to design my website.
I knew that I really wanted my website to be a brief history so that it would give people an over view rather than having to scroll through loads of information to try and get an understanding. I would have found this really useful and still would so will try and keep the information minimal and but useful.
It was suggested to me to present it in an info graphic style which would be a good way of showing a large amount of information in a small chunks. The facts would then have more impact and it would visually be a nicer way of presenting the information. I was told to look at Nicolas Felton for examples of beautiful info graphics as well as informations beautiful.
I was slightly concerned to how I would work the images of abandonment into the info graphic because normally info graphics are flat colours and images tend to clash with this. However I feel the images are vital as they act as a visual example to show the seriousness of the situation. It was suggested that I could put the images behind the information so it provided a background. I will definitely research into this idea as it could work really well.
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