Tuesday 7 October 2014

Logostarter : My Chosen Kickstarter Project

I first began by looking through crafts however nothing caught my eye as a fun project. I then scanned through food and fashion however I found that all of them seemed quite well established and already had a logo which suited their brand. So I felt it would be better to do something without a great logo.

I then decided to browse design where I came across KonneKt - Social Game for Isolated Childern (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/job/konnekt?ref=category). The aim of the product is to provide children with cancer who are isolated during treatment to have a way to play together. Job Jansweijer the creator behind the idea has created obscure shapes out of wood with suction cups attached so they can be placed on the window that divides the children. Once the pieces are placed together they make something, such as a dragon. The pieces are so obscure that it can fit many roles, so the images are never ending.

I think this is such a lovely idea and a great way to make children who are ill still feel like children.

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