Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Design Principles: Type Journal 15 - Packaging

Twining’s Purifying Dandelion tea uses a mixture of complementary type faces. The TWININGS is printed in a serif roman font, the line weight is heavier on certain aspects of the letters, for example on letters with a cross bar at an angle like an ‘N’ or ‘W’ the cross bar is thicker compared to the very thin stems. The serifs have been kept slightly larger so that they finish of the letter promptly.  The more traditional font is also printed onto a gold coloured paper that reflected the light. This shimmered in the light in the shop and made you look closer; it also makes it feel like you’re getting value for money as the gold colour denotes an almost royal impression to it.

However the ‘Purifying Dandelion’ type is a clear san serif. It is uncomplicated and keeps its simplicity to advertise the concept of it being pure and detoxicating. The bowls and counters are large which makes the letters more prominent and easier to read. The conjoined ‘L’ and ‘I’ create the idea of movement and floating in the sky, almost like a dandelion; the extended ‘L’ represents the stem and the head of the flower. 

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