Saturday 4 January 2014

Design Principles, Study Task 2: Type Modification

I decided to do experiment with other ways of transforming the letter A of Times New Roman, a popular Roman font. This post is showing my experimentation and then my development of Times New Roman. Previously when I began to look into Bernard condensed after I had experimented a bit and found a rule I tried creating them all online following that rule rather than drawing them all out individually first. However when I moved on to Times New Roman I decided I wanted to draw them out by hand individually first so I had more to work with.

Here you can see I have played around with a wide range of ideas on different letters so that I could get a grasp of shape and how it affects the rules of what I am trying to create. I began to narrow down ideas onto a sheet of tracing paper. When I reached a design that I liked the look of I experimented with applying the same methods to B and C. I played around with this as a rule and looked at creating an font. I wanted the font to look celtic, the letters have become thicker so that most of the letter is the same width. The serifs and flat tops (A and Y) have a double serif similar to the bottom.

Times New Roman - modified regular

Times New Roman - modified light 
Times New Roman - modified italic

Times New Roman - modified bold

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