Wednesday 29 January 2014

Design Practice: Colour - Pantone

The task set was to pick 4 objects and take a photo of them as well as jotting down the pantone colour. With the photo we had to compare the colour to the actual pantone colour on Photoshop. This does show how different a colour looks in an object compared to on a screen. The actual pantones look a lot stronger and have a higher chromatic value because they are a block colour. Where as with some of the objects they are slightly transparent or coated so the shine on them affects how the colour is seen especially in photographs if the camera light reflects the off the object. Some of the photos are poorer quality but this doesn't affect the outcome of being able to compare the colours.

My 4 objects:

Red Counter - Solid coated - 485C = C 0 / M 96 / Y 100 / K O
Purple Stick Stirrer - Solid coated - 2597EC = C 82 / M 100 / Y 0 / K 0
Orange Pencil - Solid Coated - 166C = C 0 / M 78 / Y 100 / K 0
Green Coaster - Solid Coated - 553C = C 82 / M 30 / Y 65 / K 82

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