Wednesday 1 January 2014

Brief 2 - Cards: Primary Research

I decided to create a survey to get a better grasp on who plays cards and what they play. I asked the following questions:

1. What age category are you?
2. Do you play card games?
3. On average do you spend more hours playing electronically or with actual cards?
4. What is your favourite card game?

5. How often do you play a card game?
6. Do you think that playing cards are more or less popular now than 10 years ago?

7. What do you enjoy/not enjoy about playing cards?

I wanted to ask the age range so that I could link the answers given with the generation the person was born in. Question numbers 3 and 6 are trying to find out about whether modern technology and gaming has gotten rid of the need for cards. Finding out how often people play cards will give an idea to whether it is still used as a pastime or not. Equally finding out what games people enjoy playing will be good to compare with what games were fashionable and popular in the past.

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