Tuesday 21 January 2014

Brief 4 - Communicate: Final Cards

These are the cards for my outcome for brief 4, communicate. My aim was to give people easy to follow rules to card games which will in turn get people away from technology and playing more card games. Each card edge is colour coordinated with the category of game it is to make finding them easier. I also want to print the backs the plain colour of the category. However I am unsure on how I would go about doing this in digital print because the paper has to be fed in manually. I will enquire about this tomorrow during my digital printing session and see if their is an easy way like colouring the whole page. I am hesitant to design a logo for the back for two reasons; firstly the lack of time left and secondly because digital print being fed manually means the edges of the back may not line up with the front, also if text was added on the back it may print of centre because of the angle the paper would be put in. The gambling chips will be perforated so that they can be pushed out to be played with. 

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