Saturday 11 January 2014

Brief 3 - Page Layout: Designing the Page

After the crit I began working with exactly the same information but taking it back to simplicity. It is worth noting that I am still unsure of background colour so the grey is to keep it from distracting from the information also the large white rectangle is where imagery will go or hopefully sketches of the images if it is allowed. One thing I liked about my previous design was that the colours on the map coordinated with the bodies of text. I wanted to play around with tractional colour like suggested and now will look at other types of typography that may fit better. This layout is a lot easier to read and looks like it should be in a book rather than a leaflet. Hopefully once I have perfected the design of one page the other pages should be a lot simpler to design and construct.

However one thing I'm not happy with is the tonal clash of the red on the grey. They are too similar tonally and the red is too bright to read. The layout is pretty much sorted so next the colour scheme will be revised.

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