Tuesday 9 December 2014

Study Task 12 - Augmented: Critical questions

What is the potential of interactivity in print?
In the evergrowing globally connected world any extension on technology which either makes our lives easier or appear better has a lot of potential.

Can augmented design help draw people to your website?
Yes, print design acts as an extension to my digital website. People see print out posters everywhere where as not everyone will initially search for the website. They may need the initial poster to spark curiosity.

Is it all just a bit gimmicky? Or, are there opportunities?
There are opportuinties within augmented design, however I still think it is in the early stages of development. When we become more dependant on technology then perhaps we will rely on augmented design.

What kind of interactivity would be effective for my campaign?
I cant really think of any interactivity that I could create within this piece. However I will fully explore print outcomes that are relevant to my project.

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