Thursday 11 December 2014

Augmented Design: Poster Research - Anthony Burrill

I wanted to create some bold posters which are text only. My thinking behind this is that I could have a fact which would catch the viewers attention and then underneath have a 'want to learn more?' with a link to the website or details about the debate/event.

I decided to research Anthony Burrill's work as he is known for his purely bold type posters. As well as creating a bright poster book where the posters could be ripped out and stuck on the wall he has done other similar work. He uses various methods from screen printing to letter press. This is definitely something I would like to explore, the only hold back is the fact that after the christmas break there is only 4 days until the deadline. I am unsure if I could screen print or letterpress before that day but I will definitely get all the work behind it finished so that I can consider it as a possibility.

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