Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Responsive - Feathr: Fuchsia Design

I used watercolours to paint a fuchsia as both a flower and a bud. My aim with this was to create a scattered wallpaper based around the fuchsia flower. I am happy with the watercolours as I think the colour range reflects the flower as well as the blending between shades. 

I wanted to transfer these paintings into a pattern for the wallpaper but it didn't seem to fit together. The original purpose for creating these was to layer over my geometric wallpaper. My thinking behind this was bring the design to life as although it was busy it seemed like it needed a splash of colour.

No matter how they were positioned or with what colours they just looked out of place.

In the end I decided to leave it as a joint idea but continue them as two separate ideas. The geometric pattern was nearly finished all I needed to do was apply the guide specifications. I made the line width 0.5pt compared to the previous 1pt which doesn't seem like a huge difference but it removed a lot of the bulk and heaviness in the design. To also remove this I made the design bigger so that it was only 2 upright triangles in the roles width. Making the pattern bigger has helped to make it clearer from a distance and remove the busy-ness.

Fuchsia Idea
I began to formalise a grid to put the floral design into. It wasn't working overly well until I began to play with the angles, I also cut off the stems to the fuchsias which made them fit in better with the design and grid. 

The first pattern I made is the square above. I duplicated the flowers and buds on the border so that they would print accurately once lined up. However I didn't consider that the top of the pattern would line up with the bottom and then the flowers would be too close together.

I then changed it to the pattern above removing two of the flowers and bringing the other two into the square. This meant the pattern lined up a lot better and was a lot less over crowded. I then disjointed the pattern slightly so the pattern dipped in the middle to add some variety.


Overall I am happy with the outcome of this design. I think it works as wallpaper because it is not so busy that it makes the room look small but rather light and airy. The choice of colours provides a good contrast especially with the white backing which helps to separate the colours and creates depth.

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