Monday, 23 March 2015

Responsive - Food In The Loop: Final Three Posters

These are the three final posters that will be printed and submitted to the live brief. The design theme runs throughout all three designs by using key components such as maintaining the same font of Hussar and font colour. Hussar was chosen because it makes a statement. It is bold but also shows friendly qualities which helps to portray the statements shown in the designs but in a polite 'not in your face' way. The white background is a running design decision throughout the posters. The information and graphics needed to speak for itself, any background colour would detract from this message. The designs would be lost into the colour and the viewers eyes would be attracted to that instead. Ideally I want to print this on an organic or recycled paper as this would create a great textured affect as well as making the design appear more organic. It will really fit in and support the idea of being more sustainable and more efficient with the planets resources.

An explanatory paragraph has been added on both the compost poster and also the misshapen veg poster. This is because the posters by themselves may not make complete sense. The sentence helps to give context to the poster, in the case of the compost poster it helps to explain why you win every time with composting. It also explains how much damage is done when it is put in to landfill. This may shock people and make them think twice about throwing food away or not buying food based on appearance.

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