Saturday 14 March 2015

Collaborative Practice - Save the Children: Envelope Design

I have decided that since we are designing a promotional pack it should have some form of packaging. Although I really like the idea of creating a rocket which you could take the lid off and it would have everything inside, Vanessa has pointed out that this wouldn't be practical. It needs to be posted through peoples doors so ideally would need to fit in a B5 envelope. This would allow us to fit all the design aspects in side and allows for easy postage and delivery.

I wanted to keep the rocket on the cover so that it shows the future launching or about to launch through the use of the reading pack. I initially kept the dads only on the envelope but realised it wasn't correct. It needed to be Reading Pack as the book was for the dads only but all the other designs are aimed to keep the child engaged.  

Instead I changed it to Reading Pack but kept the same 'top secret' style. This would help to get the child's attention. I have also added a list of what is contained within the pack so that parents know what is actually inside. I have added the Save The Children logo so that people can see it is a trusted and reliable pack as well as reminding people it is for Save The Children.

I have added Read On. Get On. underneath the reading pack so that it reinforces the campaigns motto.  

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