Composting is a great way to reduce the amount of food that gets wasted whilst also producing nutritious soil for your garden. I began by looking into a range of items that can be composted so that my poster would reflect a wider range.
All the illustrations were derived from images of the items. A range of compostable objects were chosen not just fruit and veg. The teabag and eggshell were included to show the range of household waste that can be composted.
The illustrations were created by dividing the item into its basic shapes; as you can see with the mushroom. The layers were then merged together to create the solid shape. Coloured detail has been added to make it clear what the item is however the amount of colours used has been kept to a minimum. This has helped to keep the designs neat and has removed any unnecessary detailing.
The colours chosen have kept the design’s appearance up-beat whilst accurately reflecting the items they help to create. The colour works in sync with the illustrative design.
The illustrations were then placed into a grid and lined up. The peppers stood out the best so these became the centre focal point.
After all the illustrations were created they were placed into straight vertical lines. The red peppers took centre focus as they were the most colourful illustration. The lines of fruit resemble the options on a slot machine, having the three red peppers as the winning combination. The bright red along with the fact that they are the most detailed item means that they work well as centre of attention. They naturally attract your eye, the other items work in favour of the peppers by complimenting them but not taking away the attention.
The end illustrations were removed so that it would clearly resemble a slot machine where only three lines are shown; the winning line and one either side. This also made room for typography.
The thick lines were too much as it made the illustrations look like they were in a grid not a slot machine. It separated the illustrations out too much.
By making the horizontal lines lighter it has divided the illustrations correctly. They are now viewed as vertical lines.
The slogan 'Composting. You win every time.' has been added to the poster to link the idea of composting and a slot machine. Your chances of winning on a slot machine are pretty thin however with composting there is no down side!
The creamy organic background aimed to make the poster look more natural and earthy. However it contrasts heavily with the black type and the dark outlines.
A dark navy background replaced it, this has significantly helped to ground the designs, making the illustrations look stronger and more vibrant. The dark navy however isn’t a suitable colour to resemble compost or food.
The poster perhaps wasn’t clear enough without an explanatory paragraph. The paragraph helps to explain why you win every time with composting. It outlines the harm that is caused by putting food waste in landfill, it also goes into the benefits for the viewer.
The paragraph is too long and wordy for a poster. It detracts from the design. Viewers would not be persuaded to start a compost bin because the heavy text makes the poster look dull and boring.
The navy blue background has been removed and the paragraph has been shortened to a more digestible chunk. The white background connotes a clean, clinical design where actually compost is the opposite. The design needs to remain clear but have an element of dirt which will link it back to the fact that it is about compost.
A soil background was created on photoshop by using a solid brown as a base. Paint flecks in a two lighter colours were added by using the brush tool. The paint flecks help to add depth to the soil whilst still in keeping with the 2D design of the illustrations.
However using brown as the whole background does not suit the poster, especially with the food being on a white. It almost looks like the transparent background option hasn’t been clicked. It is such a stark contrast having soil and then a bright matt white.
A soil background was added to half the poster to help suggest the context it would be in. However this is worse than the background being all soil. It is distracting and the 'You win every time.' stands out more than anything else.
The soil and the white have been reversed so that the soil provides the backing for the composting items. This removes the need for a heavy frame around the grid, it also puts the veg in the context that they would be in - soil. The brown background contrasts with the colours of the fruit and veg which helps to solidify the illustrations, making the colours stand out and grab your attention. The white background keeps everything else neat, it also acts as a frame to the design. By making the type orange it removes all black in the design making it earthy and organic. It also maintains the same style used in the other posters. Having the type in orange on a white background for all the posters means that they work better as a set, the message they portray is clear and legible. The shocking statistic has been put in bold so that the viewers notice that first and then naturally continue to read the paragraph explaining.
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