Tuesday 10 March 2015

Responsive - Food In The Loop: BOGOF

Buy One Get One Free offers tempt people in with the offer of another whole item for free! However as good as the offers are they are causing a big issue with food waste in the UK.

Supermarket 'Bogof' deals criticised over food waste

Buy-one-get-one-free offers 'should be scrapped to cut food waste'

In a report, the committee said the EU's efforts to reduce food waste were "fragmented and untargeted" and called for the new European commission to publish a five-year strategy within six months of taking office later this year.

Scott said: "Food waste in the EU and the UK is clearly a huge issue. Not only is it morally repugnant, but it has serious economic and environmental implications.

"The fact that 90 million tonnes of food is wasted across the EU each year shows the extent of the problem and explains why we are calling for urgent action. Globally, consumers in industrialised nations waste up to 222 million tonnes of food a year, which is equivalent to nearly the entire level of net food production of sub-Saharan Africa.

Most things that once grew can be put in your green organics bin for
composting. Don’t waste your food scraps - turn it into compost.

· Food scraps make up around 40% (by weight) of household waste that is sent to landfi ll.
· When food breaks down in landfi ll, it does so slowly and releases harmful greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere.
· Compost is used as a soil conditioner. It makes gardens more water effi cient and adds rich
nutrients to the soil.

Looking at the Buy one Get one Free signs I think I want to recreate a shop sign but replace 'free' with 'to bin'. I want to question the 'free' although its free for you what cost is it at on the Earth?

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