Friday 30 January 2015

Responsive - J2O: Digital Printing

After a long break from this project I had another go at printing the designs off. This time I fixed the mistakes such as where the swirls ended as last time they went over onto the top of the packaging. I also made the decision to print on a different stock which would hold the colour of the ink better. The size of the designs were A2 so it wasn't possible to print on glossy or silk stock. Apart from the fact that it wasn't possible I decided that it wouldn't be the best idea since the design would be folded and ink cracks on folded silk or gloss stock. Instead I used a matt and then laminated it after printing. This gave it both the shine in needed and also made the packaging a lot stronger.

The photos I have taken don't do the new print justice. The design is clearer and sharper as well as the colours being brighter. It looks more professional now. Ideally I would have liked to print it on the correct packaging stock like J2O have however I do not have the facilities available.

The stickers have also printed out well and the new label looks a lot neater compared to my previous design which was overcomplicated and crowded, it bombarded the customer with too much information. Unfortunately I could not print the stickers with the same shine as the current bottle but I will experiment with ways of making this work.

Overall I am really happy with how the designs have printed. The quality is good and if I manage to cut it out without making any mistakes the final product will look good as well.

You can slightly see the difference between the colours as well as how the laminate has added a shine.

The stickers have turned out well and look good on the bottle. I will re do this neater later on.

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