Monday 5 January 2015

Augmented Design: Digital Printing

This morning I went to digitally print my work. I wanted to get it done today so that I would have the rest of the week to fix any mistakes or make any changes and then get it reprinted.

I originally took my own antique paper to print on, which I did. I found that the ink spread and wasn't as clear as I thought it would be. Especially on finer detail like the type. I decided to reprint it on the printers stock. The colours printed much more vibrantly and the work was a lot clearer. Now that I know this I will design my outer leaflet which people will be given at the entrance of the event and then print it on the same stock.

The poster I want to reprint as I originally designed it. I initially had a dark blue in the middle of the tents but scraped this when I thought I was going to screen print it. After seeing the digital print out I feel like this is a more appropriate method. Screen printing would be tricky with the registration and getting it accurate. 

Overall I am really happy with the printing outcomes. I will now redesign the tickets and outer leaflet so that I can print these as well.

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