Monday 19 January 2015

Product, Range and Distribution: Jamie Reid

Jamie Reid is an English artist and anarchist. His work, featuring letters cut from newspaper headlines in the style of a ransom note, came close to defining the image of punk rock, particularly in the UK. His best known works include the Sex Pistols album Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols and the singles "Anarchy in the UK", "God Save The Queen" based on a Cecil Beaton photograph of Queen Elizabeth II, with an added safety pin through her nose and swastikas in her eyes, described by Sean O'Hagan of The Observer as "the single most iconic image of the punk era".

I decided to look into Jamie Reid's work as the work he creates captures the anarchy and solidarity which is applicable to my project. The use of newspaper cutting letters feels very relevant as it removes the idea of an identity; something which is so hard to do in todays surveillanced world. This is definitely an idea I would like to experiment with. The letters take away any neat aspects of the design and instead imply mayhem and anger towards the government.

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