Wednesday 12 March 2014

Brief 3 - Screen Print (Poster): Idea Number 2

This one scene really stood out to me. After he finds out his weakness is water, he goes to save a family but gets pushed into the pool. I thought the clip of him underwater looking up was really symbolic of his fight. The stick waving to try and pull him out and his hand reaching for it shows he hasn't given up his struggle. 

Initally this was quite hard to recreate because I couldn't show all the colours or depth of the water because of the lack of colours and also blending as screen printing would have printed it in blocks. I decided to use a blue strip to represent the water and then white and black as strong contrast to show how he is reaching for it. 

I really wanted to play around with showing it through an outline of something else however this complicated it too much; the image became unclear.

I think this poster is clear to anyone who has watched the film however the meaning is not clear enough for those who are yet to see it. I don't think it is intcising enough to make you think ' ooh I want to watch that'.

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