Sunday, 16 March 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a book?: Ideas for the Next Five Pages

After I had created and critted my first five pages the feed back I got was to keep going with this theme and colour. However my only issue was what to actually put on the pages. I haven't stuck to my original page plan because some of it just practically didn't work. I want my whole book to be about type and readability/ legibility so the next five pages should be type based. My current 6 double page spreads are on:

  1. The history of type
  2. Type Authority
  3. Point Size
  4. Legibility and Readability
  5. Type Face Categories
  6. The Anatomy of type
The history of type could be added to to make it a four page spread however, I want to include things in the book to try and interest people who had no prior interest in fonts or typography to encourage more people to get into it. 

The next logical page would be  serif vs san serif as that is an often fought argument. I need to remember one page will be for introduction and contents this now leaves 2 double page spreads. Ill write a list of possible areas I could explore:

  • Why is helvetica so popular
  • famous fonts
  • fonts changing with society
  • Vignelli list of typefaces

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