Wednesday 19 March 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book? : Page Layouts Revisited

After finding inspirations in the NoZines I began to look at shifting the page layout and information around. Immediatly I noticed that there looked to be a lot less text on the page and it looked a lot neater and easier to read. 

I played around with the blue title and how the positioning of it affected the type layout. I found that in the very centre worked best but with a line underneath in to break up the heavy type.

Font Decisions 

Originally I was working with Baskerville and Gill Sans but once the layout began to change I changed Gill Sans for Ostrich Black. Above you can see the difference;  the thicker but longer back type works well with the whole image of the zine layout.

Page Layouts

I decided to work with the two column per page grid and work around that. I found that by working with one colour it added enough interest and options to play around with text colouring and layout design. The two columns made it a lot easier to get the message across without it looking over crowded like it did in the original title down the side piece.

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