Sunday, 16 March 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book? : Page Layout

I knew that on one of my pages I wanted to have a timeline of fonts showing when they were made. initially I started from 1800s until present day but I found it was hard because there seemed to be a lot of gaps in the time line. I decided to start again and just work from the 1900's since that was when type really began to kick off.

This was my simple final time line to give to show when certain fonts were created it gives you quite a good idea of how fonts have developed throughout the years.

I then began to put it into a grid working with information about the history of type.

One thing I found with my point size page was that it was hard to fit in all the information I wanted.
Below shows two examples of the ways I tried to fit all the information into the set grid. I found that the pages were quite squished and didn't really read well. This is when I decided to redesign the grid.

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