Monday, 31 March 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book? :Final Pages

Here are the final pages for Brief 2 - What is a Book? Design Principles. They have all been created in a 6 by 6 grid and the content is based around typography exploring the basics of what I've learnt over the course of the year. If I could take this further I would love to screen print it and turn it into a small Zine. I think the bright cyan blue would look great with black and white through screen printing. Unfortunately due to time constraints this won't be possible in time for the deadline.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book?: Modifying The History of Type

This was the original page layout however I asked someone who had no graphic or typographical knowledge to look over it and they said they struggled to know what was what. For this reason I decided to create a typography guide on illustrator which I could place in and have the certain areas circled and explained. I used the font Baskerville because I thought it would go best with my book as I had been using it for body copy.

This is the final outcome, although I prefer the other design I don't think it works for someone who knows nothing about type.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Design Principles - Type Journal 29: Stencil

6. two typefaces which work well to compliment each other.

Design Principles - Type Journal 28: Business Card

5. Embossed type makes the business card all that more special, especially on the vibrant yellow.

Design Principles - Type Journal 27: Stencil

A good mix of white on wood, giving the impression of delicate paper cut out. 

Design Principles - Type Journal 26: Logo

3. A lovely hand rendered font with intertwining letters and drop shadow. 

Design Principles - Type Journal 25: Packaging

 Beautiful extended typography on an old pencil kit

Design Principles - Type Journal 24: Poster

Psychedelic poster, the type feels very fitting and almost moves with the objects. 

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book?: Checking over the pages

I wanted to put my design principles knowledge into practice and wanted to go through and check my work. I adjusted the tracking to get rid of the orphans and I also made sure there was no widows left behind. Below is a good example of where an orphan has been left. by adjusting the tracking I was able to remove this and not ruin the design of the page.

Another thing I noticed was how thin the lines on the time line turned out to be. I went back into illustrator and made it thicker and then relinked it. This made the contrast a lot stronger and the black became more readable against the blue. 

Getting Rid of Orphans and Widows

  • A paragraph-ending line that falls at the beginning of the following page/column, thus separated from the rest of the text.
  • A paragraph-opening line that appears by itself at the bottom of a page/column.
  • A word, part of a word, or very short line that appears by itself at the end of a paragraph. Orphans result in too much white space between paragraphs or at the bottom of a page.

The bottom of the paragraph had an orphan which I removed by adjusting the paragraphs tracking to bring more words down to the last line. 

On the bottom of the Massimo Vignelli page a widow was left. The first two lines of the next paragraph were left on the next page. I moved the type boxes around so that the paragraphs were inline in their columns.



I found the contents looked odd for two reasons, firstly beceause the flush left layout doesn't work with the contents type down the side as the gaps are unequal. Secondly the black on blue looked odd and didn't work with the white.

I switched the content around and made it flush right so that it lined up with the contents title.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Brief 2 - Design Principles - What is a Book? : References

Monday, 24 March 2014

Brief 2 - Communication is a Virus: Final Exhibition

To see the set up and production of the origami click here

Today (Monday the 24th of March) We arrived at uni early to hang  up the exhibition. It took 5 of us and actually went up a lot smoother that I had anticipated. The origami hung diagonally because the front line would have been too close the the lights and railing. Since it went backwards it stopped people grabbing out for them.

Below shows lots of photos from all angles of the exhibition although I don't feel they do it justice. All the feedback we got was positive, saying how great it has turned out; and I couldn't agree more.