Monday 2 February 2015

Responsive - J2O: Package Design Outcomes

 Photos have been taken of my final product. Below are a selection of the better quality photos. They will be edited individually to try and remove the shine. Overall the photos have turned out well. It would be beneficial to retake these photos at uni using proper equipment.

The image looks crisp but the colours seem slightly off.

The camera caught the light shining on the packaging and created this horrible light textured area. 

This is the best photo that has been taken, the bottle labels compliment the packaging design. I want to learn how to edit the shine out of the box and then this image will be perfect. 

It was really hard to get a good photo of the back for some reason. But this shows it clearly.

This just looks like some weird J2O band picture.

The apple and mango packaging will be cut out and bottles will be bought so that both will be made up. This will then allow the front and the back design to be shown at once. At some point this week a photography slot will be booked at uni and the boxes will be photographed.

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