Friday, 13 February 2015

Product, Range and Distribution: Study Task 01 - Appropriation and Subversion

Today we looked into fanzines and the way they were created.  The limit on materials and resources meant that some powerful pieces of design were created. 

By just using magazines and newspapers we had to create a collage design that was relevant to our chosen issue. I found the task really interesting and rewarding, it was really refreshing to create something by hand rather than on computer; I will definitely try to do this more often. The outcome is a lot better compared to what I was expecting. This is definitely a method I will experiment with again. The design does have a sinister, eerie vibe especially the cut out of eyes.

The top center has the large ransom style word ‘Privacy’ underneath is a bold ‘we’ll take it’. The eyes in between help to illustrate the idea that the government is watching us and we don’t know whose eyes they are!

‘Looks normal, actually insane’ written over David Cameron sums up his decisions on removing encrypted software. ‘Nobody’s any the wiser’ Is supposed to relate to how most of the public don’t really know what’s going on or what this new law could mean. 

‘Vodafone – power to you’ the you has been crossed out and replaced with politicians to show how we no longer really have any power over who knows what about our lives. ‘Cameron: I will bring the future, prepare for hell’ is pretty self-explanatory.

I would like to spend more time creating another one of these but perhaps one with just eyes and one with just type. I think the eye idea could work well on a large scale and as backing for computer generated work as it gets across the daunting feeling that people are watching you.

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