Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Collaborative Practice - Save the Children: Ideas Following Emails

After a really interesting email from Vanessa's cousin, Emma, where she suggested the idea that we create a book for dads only (making this clear on the cover). She argued that men don't like reading stories about fluffy bunnies and rhyming things but instead prefer non-fiction. Where they can make something out of it and the child is learning about something real.

We could create a story book about space perhaps focusing on our solar system and the planets in it. This would tie in extremely well with our theme and we could use our paper cutouts.

Bernie has also highlighted the fact that dads should be reading something they are interested in as well as the child being interested. This helps to create an engaging story. She has also given some really interesting tips and advice such as Reading isn’t just about books but a wide variety of products which demonstrate different uses and types of language.  You could let child choose one article to read and they choose one for you. Get young kids to read names of items in supermarket/ on shopping list. 
She also suggested that it could be reading things like instructions. Perhaps we could give the child something to make with a set of instructions, at the end of it they would be able to see the benefits of reading by what they have been able to produce.

 She has also suggested ways of making it more interesting to read: Dad reads one page, child reads another... Dad reads the text and child reads the dialogue (really helps improve fluency). Perhaps have two books on the go – one of child’s choice which Dad reads to them and one of child’s choice which child reads to Dad. It would be nice if we could create a book where it has parts for the child to say and parts for the father, as it means the child still feels like they have an active roll.

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