Friday 13 February 2015

Collaborative Practice: Theme Idea - Space

We talked through a few different themes that we thought could work for the overall design. The theme needed to be gender neutral so that it would appeal to both boys and girls. At the same time it needed to be appropriate and engaging to catch the fathers’ attention. 
The one theme we thought would work really well is Space. Space, conceptually has some great links to encouraging your child to read. It also allows us to use a lot of puns, intriguing images and interesting illustrations.

We have already thought of some key words that we could use to link the idea of education and space:

• ‘Ten minutes of reading could take your child to the moon’

• ‘Launch your child’s imagination’

• ‘The universe has no limit, just like there is no limit to the things your child can learn through reading’
• Explore

• Stars

• Shine Brightly

• ‘The sky isn’t the limit’

• ‘Shuttle (shut all) distractions out’

• ‘Create a positive atmosphere’

  ‘Make time to read with your child – Planet (plan it) ahead’

I think this is a strong concept to base all the designs around.  Ideally we would like to create a pack that families could receive with a progress chart, tips and tricks for parents, stickers and other bits to help the child’s progression. This would be as an extension to the campaign aiming to get fathers to read to their child. Working along the theme of space the pack could be a rocket ship with everything contained inside, it could be called a launch pack.

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