Sunday, 29 December 2013

Design Principles, Study Task 2: Type Modificaton

After beginning to look at 'A's' I decided to move on and see whether the same method worked with a different letter. I chose to look at a 'b' because it has a straight stem but shares a similar bowl and counter shape with the 'a' as well as the high x height. One thing I decided with the 'a' was that the join between the stem and the bowl should be thinner than the rest. First I wanted to look at getting the letter right and then decide what category it fits into.

Even experimenting it leaving it with a small line rather than space for colour.

I wanted to experiment with how the letter can look like the bowl changes shape by adjusting the curvature of the counter. The 'b' on the left has been expanded so the top like of the 'b' is parallel with the inside counter. The difference being that the right hand side of the counter is curved rather than being straight.
The 'b' with a more curved edge compared with the original Bernard condensed. 

I then began at looking at following the same principles but with the making it a lighter font.  One feature that could unite the type face is if the stems are the same weight on each letter and each font.

On of the things that I've struggled with is getting the same thickness of the lines all around as well as making sure they are parallel as the lines weren't equal to begin with.

As you can see above the the bottom part of the b is larger than the top half. The 'b' as a whole looks odd and doesn't really work. This is because of the the massive width of the stem compared to what is now a large empty counter.

Above I was looking closely at making the serifs straighter and less 'clumpy' so the angle is a straight 90 degrees and the curve up to the 'b' is less steep.

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