Monday 30 December 2013

Design Priciples: Type Journal 11 - Photoframes

This was a photo frame I spotted whilst in Debanhams, I immediately took a dislike to it and its typographic style. As much as I dislike the happy, motivational statements it was the typographic layout that offended me most. The words have no uniform to them, the sizing looks like they have tried to squish everything in. The "IT IS A" has been taken out of its correct point size and been elongated to fit into a gap. The spacing between "IT IS" and "OF LIFE" directly below it is the same which doesn't look right as they are completely different sizes so this makes the kerning look funny. Equally I think the type as a whole completely distracts from the photograph and takes away the attention. Typography should compliment and be invisible not be the central point of focus.

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