Thursday 5 December 2013

Brief 1 - Frame (Photoshop): Experimenting with Composition

With the 1st of 3 final pieces I wanted to experiment with the layout and composition of the leaf to the text. The idea is that as the size of the frame goes up so does the size/ shape of the leaf. The colour also merges from greens to yellows to reds as the frames change. 

The first thing that I looked at was keeping the text and leaf close together and off centre. However this doesn't quite feel right as the piece is lower down, it just looks like it has been printed funny and this wouldn't sit right in the frame.

The spacing of this one looks better having it all central and in line. This could potentially work best but perhaps the leaf is too small?

This was to see what the leaf looked like bigger but I think the previous layout works best because it allows space around the the leaf to fit in with the minimal aspect. This feels like it takes up too much space and would sit too close to the frame outlines.

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