Friday 24 April 2015

Product, Range and Distribution: Research into Beyond Good and Evil Content

I begun re-reading my Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil book. One part I found was in Chapter 5 Toward A History Of Morals, 199 (PGE 85) It talked about how it has most people have evolved needing to obey. Human development has been strangely restricted by a few commanders with a great following. He argues that as long as there are humans there are herds (family groups, nations, churches).  The herd protects itself from its bad conscience by carrying out orders from 'above' rather than living the truth and making their own decisions.

After writing out the key points I had an image of the book cover being a herd of sheep. The sheep is a symbol in the bible resembling God's People, this could be an interesting concept commenting on how the Christians also see themselves as sheep but from a completely different point of view from Nietzsche. 

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