Sunday, 26 April 2015

Covered: Refining the Bookcover

I have been trying to alter the book cover. The problem with the last cover was that the type didn't stand out amounst the sheep. This was because of two reasons; firstly the sheep were too big taking away the attention, secondly the type wasn't powerful enough. It didn't stand out or grab the viewers attention like a book cover should.

To combat the size of the sheep I made them all a lot smaller so it created more of a repeat pattern. This has immediately made the text a lot clearer. However it still doesn't look like a book title.

The type looks too far spread out. It is hard to reach and Avenir and Goudy do not work together.

Having Good and Evil along the same line has helped the type to fit better together.

Goudy has been the font of choice with bold for 'good' and 'evil' and italic for for the ampersand and other text.

Keeping the box doesn't work as it looks very one sided.

Back to the original line across words a lot better. The smaller sheep combined with the new type composition works well to create an interesting and legible book cover. The typeface Goudy represents the classic book by creating a traditional design aesthetic. The use of the extra large ampersand draws the eye in to the intricate letter form and reinforces the fact that it is good and evil. Combining italic and bold works in favour of the type hierarchy, the bold catches your eye first and the italic compliments nicely. The composition of the type has kept it all central meaning the viewers eye is kept in the centre.

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