The symbolic piece of graphics I designed the other day has been turned into a pattern which will be screen printed onto tote bags in support of the campaign.
Design Idea 1
Firstly A 4 x 6 grid of triangles was created. The detailling didn't show up, the bricks especially were hard to make out. I decided to remove the bricks and just have solid black as when it comes to screenprinting it won't print well or clearly if the lines are too small.
A row and column was removed to make the pattern bigger, the bricks have also gone. This now looks a lot clearer, however the pattern itself isn't interesting or that aesthetically pleasing.
Some triangles were rotated 180 degrees so that it produces a mirroring affect. This still isn't perfect; the sharp points of the top of the triangle against the flat bottom of the next one looks disjointed. The pattern looks like its suddenly ended and the begun again, there is no flow to it.
By alternating every other triangle they are now all touching. Diamonds have been formed with geometric rivers running the design. This alone wouldn't look great screen printed, however it will provide a good background pattern.
'Stop Watching Us' is obviously aimed at companies like the NSA who use our online data to watch what we are doing. However without knowing what the campaign is about, the design looks interesting and eye catching. The red boxes fit in with the poster design already completed. Red against black and white provides a strong contrast and frames the type well. The saying 'stop watching us' with emphasis on the US it provokes the feeling of solidarity; we are all in this together and we all don't want to be watched.
Again, I think if you didn't know what the campaign was saying 'stop watching us may, to outsiders, sound like the person is paranoid. However I think it is a strong statement that would get people thinking. I have included 'The Eagles Eye' in the bottom right so that viewers have a name to search to find out more. I made a conscious` decision to leave out the logo because I think it would clash with the busy pattern and distract from the real message.
Design Idea 2
I want to create at least two different tote bags. If this campaign was to actually pick up it would be good to have a range of products so that supporters can find something that they like whilst also showing their support.
A print of the image alone would work well because it would be a lot bigger allowing room for all the design to be seen properly. I didn't want the statement to be overly big as all the attention should be on the triangle. The image depicts what is happening with the NSA so in a way, it speaks for itself. This could work across T-shirts as well as tote bags.
I have experimented with having the eagles eye in the bottom right and stop the watch in the left. This is one way I could put the campaigns information in without distracting from the design or taking over.
I have decided to change 'Watching' to 'Spying' as spying sounds more invasive and less paranoid. It has made the design feel more like a statement and the alliteration of Stop Spying strengthens the message.
Vanessa and I spoke about the designs and one main thing Ness pointed out was that I wouldn't use a bag that said 'stop spying on us' . Although it highlights the campaign it would perhaps be better to produce a pattern which people would actually use or want to be seen using. This would also make screen printing a lot easier as it would remove one of the colours meaning less screens, less work.
I have also decided that the circular design should always be upright even if the triangle is upside down.
This is the same original bag print idea however I have changed the typeface from Hussar to ZXX. Originally I couldn't find the font to download however since then I have been given a copy of it. The font will feature in the majority of my work because of the purpose of its design; not to be legible online. Not only does the font fit conceptually but it also aesthetically works really well with the designs. Its type writer style gives the work a 'hand rendered' appearance.
This again, is the pattern just without the type over the top. It could work however, I question its attractiveness as a pattern and don't think it would be something people would use, or at least it wouldn't be the most popular.
Creating a triangle out of the smaller triangles has strengthened the design, again reinforcing the idea of the triangular structure of society.
Rotating the triangle so that it points down symbolises the campaign turning society on its head. Obviously not something that's possible however it is a nice idea that the campaign questions society with the very few powerful at the top.
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